Creativity cannot be bought nor captured or held on to forever. It comes and goes like the seasons in a calendar year. Nobody can ever seem to hang on to it for their entire life. Creative moments come in flashes and require high attention to detail in order to translate them into something worthwhile.
Everyone can be creative. However, limited individuals seem to exert creative energy on a regular basis. Some may keep it around longer than others. Creativity is something that should never be taken for granted in life.
Mind Games
The human mind is more powerful than most would think. Most people don’t tap into their full potential and put themselves down. We constantly hear “I’m not creative” or “I’m not artistic” or “Creativity doesn’t come naturally to me.” Instead, these phrases should all include one key word to put a positive connotation on them. By adding the word yet, the potential to be more creative is virtually endless.
When someone says they aren’t creative yet, they actively acknowledge their room for growth. Someone who limits themselves through their words will rarely reach their full potential. The mind can play many games, even on itself.

Creative endeavors don’t have to be limited to traditional art. Someone may be creative through sports or business- two realms that are not typically viewed as “creative.” However, creativity is all around us when we stop trying to force things and start to look outside the box.
Humans are often more capable of achieving amazing feats than they originally think. The mind can play games on itself. The first step to limiting the power of these mind games is to first acknowledge they are present. The mind can only work in an individual’s favor when a person is actively aware of their mental capabilities.
Creativity and Individualism
Individualism is actively stressed in Western cultures. Obviously there are benefits and drawbacks that can be viewed closely and from afar.
Creative abilities are usually tied to one person. However, creativity is not confined to an individual. Certain cultures stress the importance of individualism in order to tap into one’s creative endeavors. American culture definitely emphasizes the ability to think creatively on one’s own.

While there are obvious drawbacks to individualism like social isolation and a decreased sense of belonging, there are numerous advantages especially for creative purposes.
An individual has the freedom to think creatively and outside of the box when working by themselves. They don’t have to directly report to anyone else or follow strict guidelines. Individualism allows humans to express themselves freely and openly. Creativity relies on a certain extent of freedom; creatives who embrace their individualism often find their unique lane efficiently and in a healthy way.
Feeling rushed in anything will usually not provide satisfactory results. Individualistic creative efforts allow people to work at their own pace and level of comfort. Individualism gives a sense of freedom and stresses the importance of self-determination and self-reliance.
While everyone has their own skill sets and unique talents, healthy levels of individual work allow creatives to tap into what they do best.
The Journey of Creativity
Being creative isn’t an accomplishment but rather a life long journey. Any world-renowned artist will say have a creative mind isn’t enough to be successful. It’s what people do with their creativity that sets them apart from the pack.
One can argue that creativity is a muscle that needs to be used on a consistent basis. Like shooting a basketball, creativity has to be used regularly to upkeep its potential. Just a few days or a week off will often set someone back more than they would ever realize.
The journey of creativity is virtually never ending. Many creatives don’t feel completely satisfied with their work; they continually look toward what’s to come next.
There is a fine line between expressing dissatisfaction and not being complacent. Creatives want to reach their full potential at every possible moment. However, everyday won’t be productive or successful in every aspect. Creativity has no end goal- it’s a never ending process that doesn’t befriend perfectionists.