Tag: lifestyle

Living a Creative Life

Everything can be creative depending on how it’s viewed. People who deem themselves as “not creative” are placing self-restrictions that often hinder their true creative ability. The more we tell ourselves something, the more we start to believe it regardless of if the statement is true or not. Living a creative life is essential for a long-lasting life full of growth and opportunity.

Creative Life: Appreciating the Journey

Creativity has no destination. Creative efforts are constantly evolving, changing, and adapting. Nothing is stagnant in a creative mind; there cannot be self-inflicted limitations throughout the journey.

Someone who calls themselves a creative quickly finds out that creativity is never-ending. There may be times where creative thoughts come freely while other times may feel like nothing comes to mind without extra conscious effort. Living a creative life requires balance in everything. There must be time to recharge and take breaks while maintaining an optimal level of creative production.

Living a creative life- inspiration

Creativity comes and goes and often frustrates creative individuals more than they would like. Ideas and visions come when we don’t force them into our creative minds. Living a creative life is about finding a balance between times of high creativity and creative block.

Creativity and Productivity

Nobody can be creative and productive 24/7. Humans never have been and never will be robots. Creativity and productivity aren’t infinite. An individual’s energy is constantly being pulled in a thousand different directions. Even when someone wants to sit down and create something, their focus and energy might be elsewhere besides their creative endeavor.

Especially in Western cultures, people are expected to be productive all the time. Rest is viewed as “bad” even though it’s necessary for humans to rest and recharge on a regular basis. Even the most productive and successful individuals in the world have to find a balance between work and rest. The same goes for creativity and productivity.

Just because someone may exude high levels of creativity doesn’t necessarily mean they are always functioning at a high level of productivity and vice versa. A creative life will never be creative all the time and definitely won’t be productive 100% of the time. Life throws curveballs- both positive and negative- which may steer away even those with highest work ethics and levels of self-discipline humanly possible.

There is No Answer

Being creative doesn’t always lead to finished products or outcomes as initially expected; creativity may bring answers or may bring no answers at all. The fast-paced world we live in unfairly expects creatives to have all of the answers on a whim. However, true creatives know their efforts may or may not bring them the returns they want and/or expect. Life brings countless things outside of our control; we cannot have every answer at every time we want to have them.

Living a creative life isn’t about being creative 24/7 and having all of the answers. Instead, it’s about making the most of one’ creative abilities using the appropriate tangible and intangible resources readily available.

Creativity has no beginning or end point. A painter may start a particular painting only to realize their creativity can be used more efficiently in different capacities. At the same time, a creative entrepreneur may spend too much time worrying about starting a business that they miss a wide open opportunity to succeed. There is no “end goal” when someone lives a creative life. Creativity is all around us when we open our minds and realize the possibilities of our own energy and abilities.

Anyone can be creative. It doesn’t take someone to be an artist before being creative. Start by being creative now and thinking creatively without worrying about labels all the time. Living a creative life requires an appreciation of creativity all around- in nature, buildings, sneakers, sports, art, and just about anything else in life that can be changed or designed in countless ways.

Creating the Life You Want: Independence & Decisions

Creating the life you want is only up to you. At the end of the day, people constantly let us down. Even the people we love the most let us down on occasion. However, the only person you have full control over is yourself. You cannot let yourself down if you choose not to. It’s as simple as that. Only you can create the life you want with the right decisions and a high level of independence.

Independence, Solitude, and Peace

Many people, especially adults claim they are independent, but clearly are dependent on someone else or something else. Countless adults around the world lie to themselves when they declare their independence. Yes, they might be independent from their parents or guardians, but are they truly an independent person?

Creating the life you want

Dependent individuals might depend on friends or family members to always be there at every earliest convenience possible. The closest people in your life won’t be around 24/7. An independent individual has more power than any dependent ever will. The ability to live and eventually thrive without dependence of another person can literally change someone’s life. Independence is one of the most crucial keys to success in any aspect of life.

Independence and solitude aren’t mutually exclusive. Solitude stems from independence; on the other hand, independence can function normally without any resemblance of solitude. One must become and remain independent to fully appreciate solitude to the highest degree. Solitude brings peace and tranquility.

In this noisy and busy world, solitude is no longer a luxury. Solitude is absolutely a necessity especially in fast-paced environments. People around the world will always be in a rush no matter the time or day. Solitude allows life to slow down; the mind can process thoughts clearer and be less distracted from the outside world.

Creating the Life You Want: Becoming the Best Version of Yourself

Creating the life you want and desire goes hand in hand with becoming the best version of yourself. You will never be “finished.” The best version of yourself is one that is constantly improving. Aiming to do better in every aspect possible. Seeking to correct mistakes with a drive to never stop learning, no matter whether formal education is part of your life or not. Learning doesn’t stop at school. Reading is one of the best ways to improve yourself. The best method to improve in life is through experience. No business school can show you how to run a small business. Experience is a teacher that theory can never replace.

Creating the life you want

The process of improvement is never-ending. One goal met or exceeded leads to another or multiple goals. Self-discipline and self-motivation are both essential to becoming the best version of yourself; evolving in life is a necessity to achieve even a minuscule amount of success. Creating the life you want often leads to countless hours of confusion, anger or sadness. Nothing will be easy. When you can look at your life from an overhead view, you will be able to appreciate all of the moments, good and bad, that have led you to where you are today. The journey never ends, but must be appreciated along the way.

Friendships Are Complicated: Friends, Acquaintances & More

Making and keeping friends is often one of the hardest things to do in life especially for introverts. Some people may get the wrong impression of us while others may rub us the wrong way. At the end of the day, friendships are complicated and complex, just like any other type of relationship in life.

Friends, Acquaintances, and Everything in Between

The term ‘friend’ is often used more loosely in youth compared to adulthood. As people grow older, they often realize more friends doesn’t always lead to better experiences and feelings. Acquaintances rarely exist in childhood but are found everywhere as maturity comes around. Friendships dwindle with time for known and unknown reasons; most friendships come and go like the seasons roll around every year like clockwork.

Acquaintances often fill adult lives because as we age our priorities change. We may know more people than ever before, but don’t have as many people to call a true friend. Differentiating between an acquaintance and a friend is half the battle. The other half is figuring out how these humans fit in our lives in a positive and healthy manner.

Friends are complicated

Significant life events either draw us closer to friends or create a larger gap in the friendship. When someone moves, they either become better friends due to staying in touch more frequently or more often than not, fade away from each other due to the literal and figurative distance. Another example is when individuals get in serious romantic relationships with a particular significant other. Some friends become more distant as their partner takes up more of their time and energy. At the same time, some friends become closer. Only time will tell how such events will impact friendships and acquaintances. Friendships are complicated.

Friendships: Not a Numbers Game

Acquiring more friends typically doesn’t directly lead to better experiences and an increase in overall happiness. Friendships are complicated and shouldn’t be valued based off numbers alone. Quality of relationships in life is far more important than the total quantity. Someone with one hundred friends may feel lonely while another person with only ten true friends feels appreciated and respected. Numbers never have and never will determine the impact of friendships in life.

Friends are supposed to be an addition to a collection like sports trading cards or sneakers. Real friends should be cherished and appreciated more like family heirlooms; they cannot be bought, replicated, or replaced. One friend may leave your life and a new one enters. However, no two friends are exactly alike and cannot serve the same exact purpose in our lives.

Friendships are complicated and should never be viewed as a numbers game. Those who seek to acquire more friends solely for quantity sake will typically find themselves in a more negative situation than initially expected.

Friendships Are Complicated: Different Types of Friends

All friends aren’t created equal. Some may be genuine while others may stick around only for their benefit. Some friends don’t require much effort and others need more attention and energy for various reasons.

Figuring out where your friends and acquaintances fit in your life is half the battle. You feel horrible when you realize someone doesn’t like you or appreciate you as you initially thought. While they may still be a friend or acquaintance, these individuals must have a defined role in your life. Some “friends” will take advantage of you if you give them an inch; others speak highly of you and defend your name behind your back when you’re not present. All friends and acquaintances aren’t equal.

There may be drinking (or smoking) buddies, friends you play sports with, work friends, people who you bond together over a similar hobby, or neighbors who become friendly acquaintances or even turn into true friends. There are countless different types of friends and acquaintances for every occasion possible. Friendships are complicated and it’s often even more complicated to put a label on every single friendship you’ve had in the past, have now in the present, or will have in the future.

Navigating Friendships Throughout Life

Like any relationship, friendships are rarely easy or simple. Any relationship between two functioning humans is bound to be complex and complicated. Friendships of all types require time, energy and effort to flourish.

Trust is built over time but can be destroyed in a matter of seconds. Watch who you call a friend and never take real friends for granted in this short life.

Life will bring along numerous friendships, some may be more beneficial or rewarding than others, but they all teach valuable lessons and impact our life in various ways.

Trusting Your Future: Navigating a Life of Unknowns

One of the greatest human fears is the unknown especially the unknown of the future. Many people do as much as possible to attempt to predict or better understand the future. Everyone worries about the future in some way or another. Trusting your future is essential to keep a calm and stable mind.

Being Okay with the Unknown

One of the most common worries of the modern human is confronting the unknown. There is the unknown we know about and then the unknowns we don’t know about. Both can seem daunting and outright scary. However, there must be balance in everything in life, especially when dealing with unknowns.

Trusting your future is all about finding balance and being okay with the unknowns of life. No matter how hard we may try, we’ll never be able to know everything. The unknowns will always be present no matter how much time and effort is exuded in the never-ending journey of conquering the unknowns of life.

Unknowns are some of the few known facts about life. We know we are born and we will die some day. That time in between is filled with countless things we know about consciously and even more things we have no clue about; unknowns keep the world going. If everyone knew everything all the time, there would be little to no purpose in life. Not knowing everything can actually be a benefit when a person stops trying to figure out every minute detail about their life and the world around them.

Trusting Your Future: Accepting and Appreciating the Present

The past is gone and the future is yet to come.

Trusting your future requires you to accept and appreciate the present. We don’t have to like everything about our current situation. However, there is still plenty to appreciate in the present moment. Before appreciating the present, an individual must first accept the current period of their life. This time will be the past sooner than we expect. We must appreciate what we have now as it won’t be around forever.

Appreciating the present requires a level of maturity and understanding about life that most people are seeking to obtain. When the present is fully appreciated, the past cannot consumer our day to day lives and the future cannot over-worry or over-stress us. This time now is all we have at this exact moment. Appreciate what is here now before it moves on and becomes a memory.

The future is closer than most realize.

Finding Ways to Not Dwell on the Past

Even though everyone makes mistakes, countless people around the world still dwell on the past and think about the what-ifs and what could have beens. No matter how hard we try, we’ll never be able to change the past. The past should be left alone before it affects the present. The past must be acknowledged and learned from when appropriate, but should never consume lives full of possibilities and opportunities.

Everyday holds endless opportunities for every person around the world; if everyone worried about the past nonstop, then the world would have nothing to provide in the present moment.

Trusting your future

The past consumes too much of countless daily lives. People all over the world think about events and actions that cannot be undone. No amount of time, energy, or money can change the past. That time you got a speeding ticket or the time you treated a friend poorly cannot be reversed. Although we can’t “fix” our pasts, there is still plenty to learn from without dwelling on past mistakes.

Trusting your future is essential to living a healthy and mindful life. Never lose sight of the future and remember not to dwell on the past. Appreciate this moment right now as it will never come back once it has passed.

Choosing Yourself: Balancing Being Selfish and Unselfish

Relationships are complicated. People are complex. Life is confusing. Being selfish and unselfish don’t go together, but they do affect each other in countless ways.

Sometimes you have to choose yourself. However, finding the balance between being selfish and unselfish can be extremely challenging.

Finding Time for Yourself

Sometimes life requires you to actively find time for yourself. Between work, school, and time with friends/family/significant others, it may seem like we really don’t have much time to take a step back. Life won’t stop and wait around for you to find time for yourself.

Everyday holds new opportunities. People may choose to spend time with others for the majority of the day while others would rather spend time alone and enjoy some solitude. Finding a balance between being selfish and unselfish only gets more complicated as we age.

As we get older, priorities and responsibilities change. At the same time, it may be challenging to find time to appreciate yourself and enjoy solitude.

Life won’t wait for anyone. Finding time for yourself is all about having your priorities straight and handling your responsibilities. Creating that time without handling what needs to be done is immature and selfish. Unselfish behavior is appreciated in some cultures more than others. However, there’s a time and place to be selfish for personal reasons. Sometimes you can’t rely on others or need time to learn more about yourself.

Being Selfish and Unselfish

Although being selfish and unselfish are opposites, the two complement each other when balanced reasonably and efficiently.

Nobody that lives amongst other individuals can be selfish or unselfish 24/7/365. People who live in uninhabited areas cannot be unselfish if others aren’t around at all. On the other hand, humans who live in a community, no matter the size, cannot be selfish all the time.

People tend to move out of highly populated areas in an attempt to find more balance in their personal lives. No matter where one lives, as long as other humans are around, the dilemma of being selfish and unselfish will never end.

Anyone can say they are unselfish, but few actually prove so. Unselfish behavior comes from actions, nothing else. American society is often selfish overall and encourages selfish behavior; it takes conscious thoughts and actions to become an unselfish person. All unselfish people act selfishly from time to time.

Choosing Yourself in a Selfish World

Often, unselfish individuals may feel guilty for choosing what’s best for them. There’s a major difference between choosing what’s best for yourself and acting selfishly. Selfish behavior tends to harm or leave out others; choosing oneself stems from selfish acts for the greater good of oneself.

Although the world around us is usually selfish, we don’t have to join the selfish humans we constantly hear about and see routinely. Selfish people have no remorse and little to no regard for others. They rarely think about how their actions will affect others. Whether someone accepts it or not, their actions affect other people besides themselves. Some may benefit others while some directly or indirectly harm others. Unselfish people choose themselves because they know it’s impossible to remain unselfish all the time.

At the end of the day, if you don’t choose yourself, someone will take advantage of you one way or another. Countless people in this world are looking for the next person to get a one up on and benefit themselves with little regard for how their actions affect others. You have to find that balance between being selfish and unselfish. Choosing yourself may be selfish sometimes, but it doesn’t necessarily make you a selfish person.

Finding Balance in Life

Life is all about finding balance. Too much of anything, even some of the most healthiest things on Earth, can be destructive and detrimental. Even a life of moderation requires moderation. It’s okay to indulge time to time, but most of the time life should be balanced and equalized.

Balance is key to literally everything in life.

Finding Balance in Your Own World

Balance looks different for everyone. For some it may mean one cheat day per week, while others one cheat day per month or every other month. However, there will never be a blueprint to finding balance in life. Only you know what balance looks like and doesn’t look like in your life. Nobody can live it for you or make decisions for you all the time.

Finding balance

The world around us is often tempting to break free from any sort of balance or moderation. From food to social media to drugs and alcohol, we are constantly being fed information and ads that will tempt us to indulge and gorge ourselves of things we know should be kept in moderation.

Everyone’s world looks different. Balance is a general term that can’t be applied the same to every person or scenario.

Balance Compared to Moderation

Although balance and moderation are similar, they have noticeable differences that set them apart.

Balance has boundaries while moderation is open ended. Moderation means eliminating extremes and balance means finding the middle way or equilibrium. Just because something is used in moderation doesn’t necessarily mean it is balanced and vice versa.

Balance and moderation complement each other often, but aren’t mutually exclusive. One may have a balanced diet of healthy foods, but can still be struggling with moderation. Something consumed in moderation doesn’t automatically lead to balance.

Working on Finding Balance

Finding balance in life is never an easy feat. Even when people think they are “successful” and have “made it,” there is still tons of room for improvement. Anyone can think they live a balanced life, but few actually do the work and exert the energy required to do so.

Finding balance

A balanced life requires constant time and attention. Anyone who is looking to improve their life in some way or another should first look to build a balanced life. Your body is a temple and should be taken care of like on. Although balance goes far beyond the physical body, it has to start somewhere. Starting with the physical leads to improvement in other areas as well.

Life will never be balanced forever as perfection in anything is impossible all the time.

Latest Reads 2024

This year I’m being intentional with my reading. Every book holds new opportunities to learn. Whether fiction or nonfiction, all of the books I read have been selected for specific reasons. Some of my latest reads stick out more than others. Never underestimate the power of a good book.

Mind Full to Mindful by Om Swami

When life feels like it’s always on ten speed, it’s essential to take time to slow down and appreciate what we already have. This book in my latest reads stood out to me for many reasons.

This book is based on original Zen teachings and offers interesting perspectives on life as a whole. Om Swami highlights the importance of energy flow and controlling it in a healthy manner. Breathing techniques are critical to controlling any type of energy- good or bad.

Even if someone doesn’t meditate, they can still learn from Zen techniques to handle life with greater confidence and become equipped with techniques that can help deal with the regular stresses of life.

Latest reads- Mind Full to Mindful

Swami stresses the importance of taking care of one’s body- something that is often overlooked in a fast-paced culture. He adds that meditating cannot be the only way someone takes care of oneself. The physical body must be taken care of as much as the mind is cared for.

One particular chapter that stood out to me the most is titled “Life is a Flower.” Om Swami suggests to the reader to keep a fresh flower on one’s car dashboard. This flower will serve as a reminder that life is a blessing, no matter how we feel.

This book is highly recommended as it can be directly translated to everyday life. Anyone can learn from Zen even if they don’t meditate or think of themselves as a peaceful person.

“If you don’t value what you have, one day you will lose access to that thing” (30).

The Good Nurse by Charles Graeber

This book of my latest reads covers the true crime story of a nurse turned serial killer. Charles Cullen committed countless murders (so many that he doesn’t know the exact number) over his sixteen-year nursing career in New Jersey and Pennsylvania medical centers.

Cullen was arrested in 2003 after many years of abusing and ending the lives of numerous patients. The book highlights the process of tracking down Cullen and finding enough evidence to charge him with numerous crimes.

Latest reads- The Good Nurse

Also, the book covers Cullen’s personal life as it attempts to show how an average nurse turned to the “Angel of Death” over a decade and a half.

The book was released in 2013 and later inspired the Netflix movie of the same title in 2022. Although the movie doesn’t capture every detail, it’s still an accurate representation of the story told by Charles Graeber. Any true crime fans will love this book and will flock to the movie afterward.

Mad Honey by Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan

Another one of my latest reads, this novel isn’t typically something that would choose on my own.  However after a recommendation from my grandma, I decided to give it a chance.  

If a book is so bad after a few chapters I’ll stop reading.  However, this wasn’t the case with this book.  Set in a small New Hampshire town, a single mother who is a beekeeper by trade finds herself in her worst nightmare.

Latest reads- Mad Honey

The mother, Olivia, is faced with a dilemma that most wouldnt wish on their worst enemy.  Her teenage son, Asher, was dating a girl named Lily, as they both went to the same high school.  Both families’ worlds are flipped upside down when Lily unexpectedly dies.  Asher is accused of murder and damn sure looks guilty throughout virtually the entire story.

Not the typical murder mystery, an unexpected twist comes that changes the whole trajectory of the novel.  This read was refreshing and something different than what I would usually choose.  I recommend this book to anyone interested in social issues and anyone looking for a unique story that makes them think beyond the surface level.

25 Valuable Lessons at 25

Life changes every year especially as you get older. Experience is often said to be the best teacher. I look forward to continuing this tradition every year on my birthday. Check back next year for another edition of valuable lessons.

Enjoy the list of some of my favorite valuable lessons this year.

1. Be Your Own Best Friend

Life constantly changes as do the people in your life. Relationships begin, shift and end unexpectedly. However, the one person that you will always have is yourself. You have to be content with being on your own from time to time.

Too many people rely on others for nonstop support and/or entertainment. Solitude is something that successful people all over the world seem to master. Being your own best friend is an essential key to living a fulfilling and worthwhile life.

2. Your Habits Are a Reflection of You

What you do on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly routine makes you who you are. If you spend all night watching tv and eating snacks, you can’t be surprised when your fitness goals aren’t achieved. On the other hand, if you go to the gym regularly and eat healthy, it shouldn’t be a surprise that you are in better condition than you were last year.

Habits are a reflection of a person. They show others who you are as a human. Someone who talks all day with nothing to show for isn’t usually seen as a trustworthy person. Working on yourself shows that you are dedicated to improvement. Habits form people; who they are now and who they will become are directly correlated to their regular habits.

3. Stay True to Yourself

So many things in life will try to knock you down or change you for the worse. The world around us may be confusing or frustrating at times, but this shouldn’t change who we are.

Valuable lessons

Changing for yourself is one thing. However, you should never change for someone/something else because of external factors. Humans are meant to change but shouldn’t be forced to change. Be who you are and stay true to yourself.

4. Solitude is Necessary (Even for Extroverts)

Everyone needs solitude from time to time. The world is moving so fast and doesn’t slow down for anyone. That doesn’t mean we can’t slow down our own worlds. Solitude is necessary to stay sane especially when life feels crazier than usual.

Nobody wants to be bombarded with life’s hardships all the time. Solitude helps bring peace back into the personal life. Sometimes a break is much needed especially with no distractions or external factors to cloud the mind.

5. If It’s Too Good to Be True, It Probably Is

This is one of the most important valuable lessons that I learned many years ago, but it’s too good to keep off this list. There are frauds and scams all over the world, especially since the internet has taken off at the beginning of this century.

Although this lesson is often tied to money, it can be applied to other aspects of life as well. For example, if a friend only hits you up for their benefit, then they probably aren’t a friend in the first place. Anything that seems too good to be true should be approached with caution before finally deciding if it’s legitimate or genuine.

6. Moderation is Key

Moderation is key to virtually everything in life. Obviously anything that could be detrimental to overall health should be limited- drugs/alcohol, social media, etc. However, even “good” things should be consumed in moderation as well. Too much of anything doesn’t help in the long run.

Living a life of moderation comes with times that break the moderation. Humans aren’t mean to be robotic. Sometimes we drink too much and feel it the next day. Sometimes we spend too much time scrolling on social media. Humans aren’t meant to be perfect. Even moderation requires moderation.

7. Never Expect Anything in Return

Doing a good deed shouldn’t come with an expectation of receiving something in return. Just because you gave a homeless guy $5 doesn’t mean something good will immediately come your way.

Good deeds lose value when they are done with the hope of getting something in return. When you do something beneficial to someone else, it should be left at that. Someone might or might not do something to your benefit that same day or shortly after. However, that thought shouldn’t cross the mind when doing something beneficial for someone else. Karma is real, but shouldn’t be on our minds 24/7.

8. Friends Change Constantly

Friends come and go like the seasons around us. Sometimes there is a falling out while others have two people grow apart. Just because someone isn’t your friend anymore doesn’t mean they hate you or you should hate them. Relationships of any kind don’t last forever. Friendships should be cherished for what they are presently.

Every friend comes into our lives for a reason. Sometimes we may never know that exact reason. However, friends make life better. A good friend brings joy and happiness. A great friend is irreplaceable and can never be replicated. Never take friends for granted; they all serve a purpose in our lives.

9. Watch What You Consume

Obviously you should watch what you eat and drink, but it doesn’t stop there. The shows you watch, the music you listen to, and the social media posts you look at all have an impact on your mind. Even if something is consumed as part of “rest,” it can still have a detrimental effect.

Limiting negative and ignorant comments, posts, and media as a whole has helped me stay grounded. Although it is inevitable that someone will be rude or disrespectful online, it’s essential to limit consumption of negative content of any form as much as possible.

10. Always Remain Humble

Life can be very humbling at times. We come across situations that make us feel bad about ourselves. However, these times don’t last forever. No matter how good life gets, it’s important to always remain humble. Things can change dramatically and even overnight.

There are too many stories of people literally losing everything they have. Staying humble keeps us grounded; never too high and never too low. No peak is tall enough to look past the valleys.

11. Nobody Ever Has Everything Figured Out

No matter how well someone appears to be living, they still have insecurities, confusing or frustrating relationships, and secrets that nobody knows about. Nobody ever has everything figured out. Even the most successful people in the world are still figuring things out one day at a time.

Life isn’t meant to be perfect. It can’t be planned out to perfection. It’s okay to not have everything figured out. Life goes on. Nothing will ever be fully “figured out.”

12. Rest is Essential

This may an obvious one to most, but some don’t realize how important rest is during any type of journey. Sure, someone can work nonstop. However, the quality of work will decrease drastically without rest and they will end up working harder and longer than they should have.

Nobody can work 24/7. Hustle culture can be toxic and portrays false images to the masses. Rest is necessary for any type of journey requiring time, energy, and effort. Rest is essential for many reasons. The most important reason is that humans need rest to be the best version of themselves.

13. Your Work Doesn’t Define You

Even if you love your job and/or the work you do, there is much more to define you as a person. One thing I hate about American culture is how much work is forced onto people. When Americans first meet, one of the first questions typically asked is what do you do?

People rarely answer the question by talking about their interests and hobbies outside of work. Being a lawyer or a doctor doesn’t define someone. A person has much more to tell their story than only through their occupation. One of the most important valuable lessons on this list is that work shouldn’t define who you are no matter how successful someone becomes or how much they like their work.

14. Nobody likes Negativity (Except Negative People)

The world can seem negative enough on a regular basis. The news constantly shows negative news stories everyday. With enough negativity to last a lifetime, most people don’t want to hear or see any more negativity in their lives. Everyone has their own issues. It’s okay to be down as emotions are natural.

Negativity loves company. The negativity you put out into the world will only multiply. Exude positivity or at least stay neutral when the world around you seems nothing but negative.

15. Positivity Can Be Toxic

Now, this one may seem contradictory given the last lesson. However, it’s impossible to be positive 24/7/365. When positivity is forced upon others, it can become toxic. Positivity should come from conscious effort, not through force or power. Bad things are inevitable in life. Nobody should have to be positive all the time.

It’s natural to feel negative from time to time. Negativity and positivity are two states in life. One isn’t better than the other. Without one, the other cannot exist. Positivity is usually a good thing, but can be toxic when it gets forced onto people.

16. Nobody Can Do the Work For You

This one should be obvious, but it’s still important nonetheless.

Nobody can make it happen except you. Some people may help or set you up for success, but they can’t do the work for you. Even people who cheat their way in life learn this lesson. Nobody who cares for you will do the work for you. The only way to be successful and improve in life is by doing the work for yourself.

17. Success Requires Risk

Any sort of success requires some type of risk. Even if that risk is minimal and the consequences aren’t severe, it’s still a gamble that could go either way.

Nobody achieves success by playing it safe nonstop. Taking a calculated risk and taking a mindless risk are two completely different things. Success requires gambles from time to time. The most successful individuals don’t achieve their goals by sitting around waiting for opportunities to come their way.

18. Forgiving Is Necessary

Sometimes you have to forgive people who don’t deserve your forgiveness in the first place. Forgiving isn’t always for the person or people who committed the wrongdoing. Forgiveness often does more for your inner peace than it does for the other party.

Forgiving is necessary because it becomes easier to let go of hate and resentment. It isn’t healthy to hold onto hateful thoughts all the time. Sometimes you have to forgive others for your sake.

19. Sometimes You Have to Be Selfish

Now this isn’t about being selfish on a constant basis. Sometimes you have to choose yourself and be selfish to get what you want in life. If you go through life being unselfish all the time, you will get taken advantage of and fooled on multiple occasions. Valuable lessons like this one are often hard to learn especially for people who don’t want to be viewed as selfish.

Selfish acts don’t make someone selfish instantly. Selfish acts on a repeated basis with no regard for others makes someone selfish. Choosing to spend time on your own rather than going out with friends may be selfish, but is necessary at times. You have to do what’s best for yourself and sometimes that requires uncomfortable, selfish acts.

20. Remember Why You Started

Starting any type of worthwhile journey will inevitably come with obstacles and hardships. Remembering why you started in the first place helps you power through when you feel like giving up.

It may sound cliche, but having a strong “why” is more important that the “who,” or “what.” Keep your reason for starting in mind to stay balanced and remain grounded especially during times of struggle.

21. Learning Doesn’t Stop When School Ends

After high school and college for some, most people stop their formal education. Valuable lessons are all around when the mind is open to learning new things. Just because school ends, doesn’t mean learning has to come to a screeching halt as well. The world today provides countless outlets to learn everyday; there’s no excuse to stop learning when one is done with school.

People who don’t read are missing out on an essential way to learn and expand the mind. Reading is fundamental because it is one of the easiest and most accessible ways to learn in today’s age. Free books are readily available in libraries all over the world. Those individuals who stop learning when school comes to an end will find their mental states declining rapidly.

22. Your Time Will Come

If everyone achieved everything they wanted exactly when they wanted to, then life would be pretty boring and even meaningless. The journey is better than the destination. People who grow up with a silver spoon in their mouth often have a hard time adjusting to the real world because they live in a clouded environment. Everything won’t go your way all the time; the process of reaching a goal teaches more than achieving the goal itself ever will.

Your time will come. Patience is essential especially when you start feeling impatient. Those that keep their head down and stay determined will get what they want out of life.

23. Your Best Will Look Different Everyday

As humans, it’s natural to have ups and downs on this journey called life. Nobody is perfect, no matter how hard they try to be. Someone’s best may be 85% of their full potential today and only 50% tomorrow.

Countless factors play into what someone’s best looks like. Anyone can improve, but it’s impossible to keep robotic levels of production everyday.

24. Everyday is a Blessing

Everyday alive is a blessing. Sometimes we get so caught up in routines that we take daily privileges and blessing for granted. Even bad or down days can still be appreciated. One of the most valuable lessons in life is realizing the fact that time is the most valuable currency in the world as it can never be replaced.

Valuable lessons

Some people wish they could live a different life or make more money or become famous. However, nothing can be achieved if daily happenings are taken for granted. Everyday is a blessing because life is too short to take any moment for granted.

25. Happiness Comes from Within

One of the most valuable lessons I have learned in my twenty five years of life is the fact that happiness comes internally. Nothing can buy long-lasting happiness. Nobody can make you happy. Nowhere can give you the happiness you have been looking for.

You are the only person in the world who can bring yourself happiness. Being happy is a choice that nobody else can make except yourself.

Sneakers and Basketball: A Perfect Match

Sneakers and basketball go together perfectly like ganja and cold water. The duo complements each other almost perfectly. Most people think of something related with basketball when talking about sneakers and vice versa.

The evolution of sneakers and basketball go hand in hand. As times goes on, the connection between the two will only run deeper.

Basketball Sneakers: An Extraordinary Evolution

Sneakers and basketball started with humble beginnings. Players back in the day used to wear Converse high tops which provided virtually no ankle support. Now, basketball players are seen wearing low-top sneakers on court more than ever. It’s not even a debate that low cut basketball sneakers today are far more supportive and cushioning than even the highest of high-tops back when the NBA started to become mainstream.

Technology in performance sneakers has vastly improved over the past few decades which has proved to be immensely valuable for fans, players, teams, owners, coaches, and leagues all over the world. Now, a rolled or sprained ankle will not sideline a player for nowhere nearly as long as it used to. Anyone who has grown up watching basketball has witnessed a noticeable change in the technology built into performance basketball shoes. Even a decade ago, players would be hesitant to wear mid and low cut sneakers. Now, it’s the norm for the most active players on the hardwood to go for lows without worrying about their ankles all game.

Converse Chuck Taylors crawled so Jordans could walk. Even though Air Jordans weren’t the best on-court sneakers, they introduced a new level of cushioning- Nike Air. Now, LeBrons, KDs, Kobes, and countless other Nikes are fitted with top of the line technology crafted through countless years of trial and error before hitting the market. Basketball sneakers from other brands have also increased their technology exponentially. Adidas, Under Armour, and Puma basketball lines have gained massive respect over the last decade.

The evolution between sneakers and basketball has highlighted in footwear technology. Massive brands like Nike, Adidas, Under Armour, and Puma will continue to come out with innovative performance sneakers for years to come with no signs of slowing down or stopping anytime soon.

Basketball and Sneakers: Styling Off the Court

Basketball and sneakers run deep together. Obviously the duo teams up constantly on the court whether its on the hardwood or concrete. Over the last couple decades, basketball’s style has expanded visibly off the court. Influential figures like Michael Jordan, Allen Iverson, even Dennis Rodman, and today’s fashion experts such as Russell Westbrook have all contributed to the overall impact of basketball and sneakers.

Sneakers were once strictly for practice and games. With the introduction of Air Jordans, there was a noticeable shift in fashion and streetwear. As the 80s ended and the 90s began, it became more acceptable and rather fashionable to rock basketball sneakers to grocery stores, the movies, or even on hot dates. Jordans helped pave the way for countless other sneakers off the court.

Certain players have influenced fashion around basketball more than others. Some have different reasons or motives, but all influential figures must be acknowledged to remember how far basketball and fashion have come together.

Allen Iverson was not only one of the best players in the game in the early 2000s, but also one of the most influential outside of the arena. His sense of style pushed boundaries and broke barriers. Simple clothes were the norm at the time; Iverson donned chains, cornrows, baggy clothes, headbands, and visible tattoos. The NBA came back with an answer (no pun intended) and implemented a strict dress code.

Iverson’s individuality paved the way for NBA players and athletes across all sports. Now, players are encouraged to wear what they like and don’t have to be confined to dress codes.

Another influential figure that has impacted fashion in the basketball world is Russell Westbrook. He has always looked to step out of the box when it comes to fashion; he has shown how sneakers can be dressed up or down through his unique style choices. Westbrook’s brand Honor the Gift has been heavily influential in not only the basketball world but also the streetwear community as well. He has shown how sneakers and basketball tie into fashion and boundaries are meant to be pushed to and past their limits.

The Future of Sneakers and Basketball

Basketball and sneakers have a long history together. As technology advances in both worlds, the connection between the two will grow even stronger.

Basketball players will continue to wear the best of the best. Sneaker enthusiasts will continue to listen to stories related to or directly involving basketball.

Together, sneakers and basketball have a bright future. There is no denying the impact both have had on fashion, sports, and millions of people around the world. Sneakers and basketball are universally loved no matter the country, time, or language.

Protecting and Nurturing Your Essential Inner Peace

Life will never be perfect. Peace comes and goes. However, your inner peace is entirely up to you. Anyone can be mad at others and even the world for countless reasons. Focusing on protecting your inner peace is essential to living a fulfilling and peaceful life.

Everything that happens around the world cannot be controlled by everyone. An individual only has so much control in their own life. People affect others in direct and indirect ways. It’s often confusing or frustrating when something outside of our control often influences how we feel and move throughout the day.

Your Peace is Yours Only

Nobody can bring you peace. Nobody can replicate peace. Nobody can create peace for you.

At the end of the day, there’s only one person who knows what peace looks like to you. It isn’t your best friend, significant other, or your favorite grandparent. They might be able to help you get closer to that much needed peace. However, you are the only one who knows exactly what peace looks, feels, and sounds like in your own world.

Sometimes you have to make difficult changes to get the peace you deserve. At times, life may become unpeaceful on the journey to better understand what peace looks like. Anyone can say they are at peace, but to truly feel peace is a different story. Inner peace is something countless people around the world are constantly chasing.

Your peace is yours only. Nobody can take it away from you unless you let them have that power over you.

Inner Peace: Finding, Losing, and Keeping

Inner peace usually doesn’t stay around forever. It tends to come and go. Like happiness, you can’t buy it or replicate it no matter how hard you try.

Life will never be peaceful at all times. It won’t be unpeaceful forever either. Finding peace is all about cherishing the peaceful moments to the fullest and focusing on reaching a state of inner peace as much as possible.

Everyone can’t be at peace 24/7. Sometimes reality is draining and/or negative. You aren’t a negative or gloomy person by not being upbeat all the time. When someone is at peace, they know the good times won’t last forever and the bad will pass too.

Peace looks different to everyone around the world. However, most sane individuals are constantly looking for peace in the wrong places, people, and experiences. Someone may bring a sense of peace but they aren’t actually a peaceful person. A place that may exude peace may not be as peaceful as initially thought. An experience can also bring peace but then bring along undesirable feelings and emotions when thinking of that particular memory.

Peace forces honesty. By lying to yourself over time, there is no possible way of achieving a fulfilling sense of inner peace.

Find your sense of inner peace and keep it around for as long as possible. It won’t stick around forever.

The Lifelong Journey

Finding inner peace often comes with countless mistakes, endless hours of frustrating or confusing experiences, and numerous lessons learned.

Peace isn’t a destination, but instead a lifelong journey. Inner peace is one of the most important aspects of life. If there is no sense of peace at all, one’s life will be affected negatively and often leading to unfortunate situations. You attract what you believe in and speak about.

Obviously life cannot be peaceful for its entirety. However, cherishing times of peace and expecting more to come helps us deal with the normal stress and regular hardships of this often confusing journey on Earth.

Your peace must be protected and nurtured carefully. Nobody else can protect your peace like you can. Stay hopeful when times are hard and remain humble when everything seems to be going right.