Tag: lifestyle

The Over-Saturated Podcast World

Nobody can go a week without hearing the word “podcast” at least once. With more accessibility than ever, it seems like everyone has or wants to start their own show. There’s nothing wrong with starting a podcast, but many start one with no sense of direction. Over-saturated markets in the podcast world often discourage individuals from starting their own show.

Rambles, overcomplicated discussions, and circular conversations make up countless talk shows and podcasts today. Over-saturation is a major issue that seems impossible to address. With more podcasts popping up on a regular basis, the playing field becomes extensively larger and more complex than ever before.

Podcasts and Sense of Direction

Every good podcast needs a solid sense of direction. Too many people start a show without actually planning out what they will talk about consistently. General conversations will not draw in the right people and too specific discussions will exclude too many. It’s all about finding the middle ground. Podcasts are unique because they can connect with a particular audience in an intimate way.

However, finding out how to connect to the right crowd is one of the most pressing challenges in the early stages of a podcast. A well-known author might start a podcast to find out he can’t connect with his readers in the same way he can with written words. An individual starting a podcast must understand the complexities of over-saturated markets. Competition will not go away, but will typically become less intimidating when someone understands the ins and outs of a particular market.

A sense of direction is necessary for anything worthwhile. Podcasts require a high level of undivided attention to the show’s direction because of how easy it is to get sidetracked with irrelevant or unnecessary conversations and/or discussions.

Finding Your Niche

Finding the right niche isn’t as easy as it sounds. Most people start a podcast based about something they like. While it makes sense to talk about a particular interest, this alone doesn’t automatically propel the idea into something worthwhile. A podcast must entertain and/or provide valuable knowledge. Talking about something you like might be entertaining in the short-term, but without insight and wisdom, the entertainment will only take the said endeavor so far.

A particular niche like dating and relationships is extremely over-saturated. Everyone isn’t a relationship expert even though countless people have first hand experience with dating and romance. Picking a highly competitive niche will make it harder for the right audience to find your show.

It makes sense to take a step back and select a niche that will provide the most potential benefit in the long run rather than something with only short-term sustainability.

Niches often make or break a podcast. Someone starting off might think of starting a show talking about sports. While sports is a vague topic, if an individual selects something like a sports program at a particular college or university, or a professional team, they already set themselves up with a much greater sense of direction and vision. Taking something and making it unique requires countless hours of thinking of ideas that may or may not stick before the “right ones” come to fruition.

Open Doors in an Over-Saturated Market

Although podcasting in general is extremely over-saturated, there is still plenty of opportunity for individuals looking to start their own show. Countless niches are less saturated than others; someone starting out must find a particular area of interest with ample room for growth yet not too over-saturated.

There are open doors all around us. Sometimes opportunities come disguised or unexpectedly, but anyone who stays open and dedicated can find themselves in places and rooms they never would have thought about being possible before.

The key to navigating an overs-saturated market is to understand the desired niche within that particular market. Someone starting a dating podcast might experience more success if they focus on a specific topic like dating in a new city/environment or interracial dating experiences. Markets can always be narrowed down with adequate levels of attention to detail and focus.

At the end of the day, anyone can start a podcast. All it takes is some recording equipment, basic recording software, and some original ideas. However, the fact that anyone can start their own show can also be a downside to numerous podcasters. Competition literally increases daily. The individuals who set themselves apart from the masses have an ultra clear sense of direction and focus on a niche or two in a particular market.

Start that podcast or project today. The competition will always be there. Stay in your lane and focus on what you can do better to improve your work of art.

Abundance Mindset: A Life Essential

When people think of essentials in life they often think of family, friends, shelter, food/water, and a sense of purpose. However, most don’t think of the right type of mindset to be prepared for whatever life has to offer, both good and bad. An abundance mindset allows an individual to be ready for the worst but to expect the best. There is always more to get out of life.

Mindset and Mentality

School teaches us lots of things but fails to offer any sort of structured curriculum geared towards mindset, mental health, and overall well-being.

An abundance mindset must be gained through years and decades of experience. Nobody can give anyone a particular way of thinking. Mindset refers to how a person views life and the experiences that come their way. One person might see a sneaker raffle as an exciting chance while another may view the same draw as a huge waste of time.

Memory can be our best friend and our worst enemy throughout countless moments in life. The amazing memories never seem to leave our mind while the forgetful ones often creep back unwelcome and unwarranted.

Having an abundance mindset allows an individual to better react to and process their memories. They won’t be hung up on the bad ones because they know better ones are just around the corner.

Abundance Mindset: A Trained Mental State

Having an abundance mindset rarely comes natural to most people. The world around us instills fear of missing out and stresses a scarcity mindset. For example, when someone is deciding where to move to next, they may only look at limited options. Living in the same state or city is comforting, but doesn’t offer as much opportunity to grow as moving out of state and experiencing a new environment.

School typically makes students focused on limited choices because they want to instill the fact that opportunities shouldn’t be passed up. Traditional schooling rarely emphasizes the world of possibilities after high school. An abundance mindset doesn’t get taught in any type of school.

An individual must train themselves to think abundantly. There will be more opportunities and chances to grow in the future. There will also be more times of success and failure. The present doesn’t define one’s life. A well-lived life is one of abundance in every possible aspect.

Abundant Experiences

One thing constant of life is having countless experiences. Everyone has different perceptions and worldview, but every living human has experiences. These bring memories that come with feelings of satisfaction or pain. A life full of experiences can be seen as a journey of ups, downs, twists, turns, and numerous surprises.

Life will always bring more. Even when things don’t seem to go our way at all, there will be more times in the future where we experience feelings of peace, satisfaction, and happiness.

A dark tunnel always has an end and a mountain always has a downward slope. Balance is key. Never get too high or too low. Mountains are meant to strengthen the abundance mindset. One who knows how better times come when least expected will look toward the future with a sense of hope and optimism.

The Benefits of An Abundance Mindset

The benefits of maintaining a healthy abundance mindset are virtually limitless. Thinking abundantly allows for more creativity. Thinking is not confined or boxed into the norm.

An abundance mindset brings extra benefits that are not always apparent. For example, an individual thinking abundantly will be more willing to take calculated risks compared to someone with a scarcity mindset.

Anyone can think ahead, but to think ahead of what’s ahead now will put you ahead more than you could imagine. The next move is the best move. An abundant life requires endless thoughts, actions, and experiences. One must never look back and worry about the what-ifs, the worst case scenario, or the one(s) that got away. An abundant thinker will expect more good to come and ultimately outweigh the bad.

Creative Efforts: Capabilities and Limitations

Humans are creative beings. Most people limit themselves in countless ways. They may say “I’m not artistic” or “I’m not very creative.” However, everyone has creative powers that can be tapped into with dedicated time and effort. The world around us exudes creativity; an open mind will find time and energy for important creative efforts even in the most unconventional outlets.

Muses are all around. Something as simple as taking a walk around the block can inspire one person but make another even more bored or uninspired. Creative influence is obviously subjective, however most individuals are too busy looking for something extraordinary. Creativity is all around especially in the realities of day-to-day life.

School and Creativity

Traditional schooling often diminishes creativity for numerous reasons. First, the American public school system overemphasizes the importance of traditional education. Unconventional styles of learning are usually discovered by students who feel unsatisfied with their often outdated curriculum.

Also, the public school system doesn’t place much importance on art, music, and other creative endeavors. Anything that can be considered creative and nontraditional is typically viewed as ‘extracurricular.’ Schools all across America continuously cut art, music, and theater programs year in and year out. Students are told what’s important and what’s not based on which departments receive the most (and least) funding.

Lastly, the American school system doesn’t tend to highlight the most creative students. The students who usually receive the most school wide and public recognition are those who obtain the school/district’s top grade point averages (GPA). An individual who has a high GPA might be able to think well analytically but might not have much experience or exposure to creative endeavors.

The American public school system must place more emphasis on untraditional teaching/learning methods, place more importance towards the arts, and recognize more creative students. When changes are made in favor of creative learning, then America will see more free-flowing creativity in society. Less people will place limits on themselves because they will already know what they are capable of.

Creative Efforts in Adult Life

The average American adult doesn’t think of themselves as creative. Wake up, go to work, spend time with family, eat, and sleep. This routine doesn’t seem very creative at all to many. However, people often devalue the importance of things they spend time on when they aren’t working, eating, or sleeping. Every (normal) adult has at least one hobby. Most hobbies require some level of creativity. Working out can be creative depending on how it’s viewed. At the same time, reading can be considered one of many creative efforts in an adult’s daily routine.

Creative efforts in adult life usually take a backseat to other priorities. Most adults say to themselves “only if I had the time.” Countless people go their whole lives telling themselves this same lie. We all have the same twenty four hours per day. There will always be time for what we want to do. Time is real but is also an illusion. People make time for what they want. No excuses.

Young adults are often so caught up with working that they forget to make time for themselves. Creativity will not be an active part of someone’s life unless they actively look to do something creative. An active effort must be made willingly and routinely.

Numerous adults around the world wake up everyday wishing they could spend their time differently. Sure, everyone won’t always have their dream job. However, even before/after work, there will always be time when time is made for important creative efforts. Some individuals neglect any sort of creativity all together; the people who actively look to become better as creative beings consciously put in the required time and energy.

Creativity and Nature

The physical world around us displays countless forms of creativity. The roots on a tree, clouds in the sky, animals moving throughout the forest, and leaves rustling on a cool day all are part of Earth’s creative powers. Nature is often seen as one of the most influential muses for countless creatives all around the world. What better place to look for inspiration than the natural world in our own backyards?

Nature often provides an essential influence towards countless creative efforts throughout the world. The natural world is free-flowing and typically undisturbed by external forces. Humans can look to nature to understand more about creativity and life as a whole.

Natural influence brings about more natural and adaptable thoughts, ideas, and creations. Anyone can be in nature but few take the time to appreciate the beauty of the world around us.

Creative Efforts: A Dawn of the Unknown

Any type of creative work starts from one common place. That place usually doesn’t have a name, direction, or clear sense of purpose. Influences along the way help artists, creatives, and designers around the world understand more about what they are trying to accomplish and/or work towards.

Anyone can start something creatively, but everyone doesn’t finish or even come close to finishing a project or creative effort. Creativity is all about exploring the unknown to get to a point that feels more comfortable, understandable, or better explained than before.

Figuring Out Life

Does anybody ever have life figured out? How do people act like they have everything figured out when they clearly don’t? It’s okay to still be figuring out life no matter how young or old you are.

One of the most humbling facts of life is that everyone doesn’t really know what the hell they are doing on Earth. Some may find purpose in life or have some things figured out, but nobody ever has everything figured out. The journey of life is all about figuring out life along the way and appreciating the worthwhile experiences and people who come into our lives.

Figuring Out Complex Relationships

Humans are complex beings, so why do we expect our interactions and experiences with one another to be simple?

The human brain is too powerful to allow its body to live simply. Emotions, feelings, and thoughts all add to the complexities of daily life. When you add in other people, things are bound to get complicated and messy.

Even relationship experts don’t have perfect relationships. Why should we beat ourselves up over a failed friendship or romantic relationship?

We are learning along the way; so is everyone we meet in life. People unintentionally hurt others. Sometimes we hurt people without even realizing until a later time in our lives.

Everyone comes into our life for a reason. Their duration of making an impact on our lives is undetermined. Most don’t stick around for very long at all. Some stay around for seasons. Others, who mean the most, are around for generations.

Instead of looking at failed friendships and relationships, we can view them as lessons that had to occur. The hate towards that ex will get you nowhere in life. Neither will that grudge with your ex-best friend. Forgive yourself and move on. New people are coming into your life, usually when you least expect it. Appreciate the genuine ones in your life, but always be prepared to meet more people no matter the current circumstances.

Friends, Family, and a Sense of Belonging

As social beings, humans aren’t meant to be socially isolated. While some people thrive in the presence of others and high levels of stimulations, others prefer less stimulation and are often more comfortable on their own.

Figuring out life is all about figuring out who we are as a person and to find some sort of sense of belonging in this world. Friends and family can help figure things out, but they cannot do any of the uncomfortable work for us.

Some friends are part of family. At the same time, some family members are distant strangers who have little to no immediate impact on our lives. Blood never has and never will make someone family. If someone says, “but they are family,” they are often part of the problem at hand. Family doesn’t intentionally hurt the people they care about.

Friends can either bring us a lot of satisfaction and fulfillment in life or leave us scratching our heads asking who is really a friend and who is jumping along for a short ride?

People who fade away from each other easily probably didn’t have a strong friendship in the first place. Many people associate with others who have similar interests and hobbies. However, the best of friends often have many differences but still put them aside and hold each other accountable.

“Yes men” bring their “friends” down in the long run. Everybody wants to hear exactly what they want; very few are okay with having friends who call them out for their wrongs and hold them accountable.

A sense of belonging will never come from another person. We have to find the balance between being with others and enjoying our own company. The people who are around today might not be around in a few years or a decade from now.

Figuring Out Life: Work and Sense of Purpose

In American culture, countless identities are tied to work and what is directly produced. People have lives outside of work, but often introduce themselves to others by first stating what they do for work. Nobody would have much of a personality if they didn’t have interests, hobbies, and passion outside of work.

A job will never define someone’s purpose in life. However, many Americans tie their work to their identity and are left clueless when they leave their current or “dream” job.

Figuring out one’s sense of purpose is one of the hardest parts of “figuring out life.”

Work can have a positive or negative connotation depending on how an individual views the subject. Work can be meaningful and fulfilling, but it should never consume someone and be their life. Instead, it is a part of life that can easily change with the blink of an eye.

Sense of purpose relates to what a person can do for the world and how they do it, not what they produce as a result of their work.

Enjoy the Journey

At the end of the day, nobody truly has everything all figured out. You probably won’t have it all figured out in a decade or two from now. Even when life comes to an end, most people would agree they never had everything all together.

Figuring out life is about enjoying the journey that comes with the countless ups and downs. Waiting for the perfect situation will leave you waiting your whole life. Start doing what you want to now and don’t look back.

Life will get figured out along the way. Live in the moment and live without regret.

Starting Out Fresh: Life’s Constant Variation

New changes can be exciting and daunting at the same time. Anyone who looks to grow has to put themselves in uncomfortable situations on a constant basis. Forget the comfort zone. Starting out fresh leads to countless possibilities throughout life.

Welcome new challenges everyday and watch the progress that comes along. There is no room for relaxation and sympathy in the “uncomfort” zone. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices that have become habit over the years.

New Chapters: The World Doesn’t Wait Around

Growing over the years brings wisdom that no amount of education or training can ever replicate.

New chapters are a constant in life. Someone may be moving to a completely new city on their own or going back to school to further their formal education. The possibilities are endless in this journey called life. However, life doesn’t wait around for when someone is ready to be proactive and ambitious.

Life passes up tons of people because they keep telling themselves “one day.” One day turns into tomorrow, next week, then next month and even next year. Without realizing it, five years will pass by and that same “one day” will be thrown around like nothing.

Putting off something important is a strategic action that many people never master. “One day, I want to open my own law firm,” compared to “one day I will start going to the gym” are completely different. One requires years of dedication, formal education and experience, and upfront capital. The other requires determination and willpower.

The world doesn’t wait around for someone to get in shape or taking better care of their body. The world doesn’t wait when “the time is right” to start a side hustle. Life will pass up the procrastinator far more than the person who fails over and over again. Failure often leads to success; inaction only leads to the lack of failure and success.

New opportunities are closer than most think; there will never be a perfect time to take action. The world will continuously change and will never stop to wait for anyone.

Starting Out Fresh: Blank Slates

A novel cannot start without a blank sheet of paper. A movie can’t become a global hit without a blank script. A new business cannot become successful without a blank business plan.

Everything worthwhile in life starts from nothing.

Nothing leads to something. Blank slates may be scary to confront, but are nonetheless necessary for any worthwhile endeavor.

LeBron James didn’t become the best basketball player in the world without first learning how to dribble and shoot. He started playing with a blank slate and worked his way to the top over the years. The best of the best start from the same position as everyone else- from the bottom.

The top of any field is widely respected because of the countless hours of dedication and hard work required to get there. Few people are willing to make endless sacrifices to reach the pinnacle of their craft. Starting out fresh is paramount to any type of worthwhile, long-lasting, and recognizable success.

Roadblocks and Setbacks

As anyone over the age of one knows, life is full of ups and downs. Things will not always (and rarely ever do) go exactly as planned. Roadblocks are a constant; unfortunate and undesirable events will be guaranteed in life.

Failure doesn’t typically discourage even the most successful people.

Pushing through is necessary for anyone looking to obtain any level of success. The world will never give out success; roadblocks and setbacks are constant and will never cease to exist.

Discouraging times are not foreign to any type of marathon. Life is about learning from your mistakes and attempting to not repeat them in the future.

Sometimes setbacks lead to two steps backwards but ultimately set up for greater success in the future. Failing is a necessary part of life. If someone is not failing that means they aren’t trying. No effort and giving up is more detrimental than the act of failing.

Starting Out Fresh: New Beginnings

Life works in weird ways. Nothing ever seems to be set in stone. One day your world could completely change without any forewarning.

New beginnings hold countless opportunities for growth and self-discovery. There is no reason to force anything that isn’t mean to be. Sometimes we want to fast forward to get to the end goal. However, life would be meaningless if we could get everything we wanted with the snap of a finger.

The journey is what shapes an individual. Success doesn’t define someone’s character. The moments leading up to and before any type of worthwhile success are what builds a strong man or woman. Life is a marathon that should be viewed with an open perspective. Appreciate every moment especially new beginnings.

Is Collecting Sneakers Worth It?

Some people collect stamps, others collect trading cards, and some crazy individuals love collecting sneakers. Few people outside of the sneaker world will ever fully understand the craze and hype of sneaker collections.

Select highly sought-after sneakers go for the price of a reliable car, some as much as a brand new car straight from the dealership. The fact that some collectors pay more than some individuals’ annual salaries for sneakers is mind-boggling to countless people, including many sneaker lovers.

Collecting Sneakers: Investments and Returns

The art of collecting brings numerous purposes and reasons along. Some collectors look to obtain massive collections while others look to collect and bank in on certain collectibles. The world of sneakers is no stranger to returns that attract even non-collectors.

Just like the stock market, the sneaker market can be simplified to a classic phrase: “buy low, sell high.” Reselling sneakers is now viewed as an investment option with fantastic yields. Collectors may sell a pair they didn’t intend to keep in the first place or they might sell pairs that have been collecting dust over multiple months or even years.

Is Collecting Sneakers Worth It?

Collectors everywhere hear stories of the longest of long holds. A pair of sneakers released this year may be worth double, triple, or even ten times its current market value five years from now. Selling sneakers can be tricky; one pair that goes up in value tomorrow may crash in just a few weeks. Even people who wear their sneakers now and look to get rid of them in the future may still come up with a substantial profit.

Sneaker reselling is not just something for resellers who are strictly looking for profits. Even the most seasoned collectors resell pairs for various reasons. Reselling one pair to buy another seems to be the norm especially in times of economic distress. Enthusiasts everywhere may look to keep their collections under a certain number; limiting collections gives more value to each pair of sneakers rather than having countless pairs that rarely see the concrete.

Diminishing and Skyrocketing Market Value

Similar to the car market, the sneaker market witnesses rapid asset depreciation. As soon as someone tries on a pair of shoes, the value goes down. As soon as they are worn and collect a spec of dirt, they go down even more.

Collectors may keep multiple pairs at a time brand new or “deadstock” for potential selling or trading purposes in the near or distant future. Although sneakers do not depreciate as dramatically as cars, there is still a major benefit of holding pairs that one may be unsure of wearing.

Major collectors may have multiple pairs to keep on ice in order to potentially get some grails in the future. The sneaker market is constantly fluctuating. One particular pair of sneakers may be worth under its retail price currently but could skyrocket in value in only a few years. The reverse is also true. Sneakers that are extremely high in resell value now may drop significantly after some news comes out or more pairs are released.

Sneaker values all over are forever changing; very few sneakers stay stagnant in the secondary market. Market changes include countless ups and downs with little periods of inactivity. Companies such as StockX and GOAT allow buyers and sellers to track sneaker prices in real time- just like the stock market. The analysis of resell performance on the secondary market will continue to become more widespread as countless individuals are looking for unconventional ways to invest their money.

Collecting Sneakers: Unique Personalized Collections

Sneaker collections speak volumes on how an individual expresses themselves. Some collectors may strictly stick to Jordans, others may be more favorable to other labels like Adidas, New Balance, Reebok, Saucony, or Asics. A collection shows someone’s personal style; sneakers are a form of expression that have evolved over numerous years.

A sneaker collection goes far beyond materialistic aspects. Someone may cherish particular pairs because of the stories tied to them. For example, a pair of sneakers may have been a sought after grail that someone could not afford when they first got into shoes. Another collector may look to keep sneakers in their collection that were obtained through camping out all night or through months of saving up hard earned cash.

People express their styles when they wear sneakers unique to them. At the end of the day, no two collections are exact. Unique collections showcase various colorways, materials, and brands. Stories run abundantly among sneakers; more pairs ultimately leads to more stories that add another layer of distinctiveness.

Know Your (Sneaker) Worth

At the end of a day, collecting sneakers is an expensive yet rewarding lifestyle. If you find yourself to be a nostalgic and/or sentimental person, a collection will hold more weight compared to someone who is more concerned with materialistic aspects. Sneaker collections bring out the best of meaningful memories and stories and help people express themselves in a healthy way.

The worth of a sneaker collection cannot be determined easily. Some may not appreciate your collection as much as you do, but who cares what other people have to say about the shoes you collect and wear?

Know the worth of your collection (both literally- in terms of monetary value for any insurance or trading reasons and figuratively for the greater meaning of all the sneakers). Nobody can ever curate the perfect collection for someone else. A collector knows what will work best in their sneaker collection more than anyone else. Wear and collect what you like. Keep it simple.

Mental Health Awareness: A Reason For Hope

As Mental Health Awareness Month comes to a close, it is essential to talk about mental health year round. One month dedicated to mental health is great to spread awareness and encourage countless individuals, but it is nowhere near the amount of time and bandwidth needed to address a pressing issue throughout the world.

Reducing stigmas attached to mental health issues proves to be one of the most valuable steps when confronting the mental health epidemic in the United States. One in five adults in America live with a mental illness (countless more remain undiagnosed). To be strong means to be vulnerable and accepting help/guidance when necessary. Life can be confusing, frustrating, and overall extremely hard.

Mental Health Awareness Month

However, there are reasons to be hopeful as mental health awareness is more widespread than ever.

Never Lose Sight of the Big Picture

In life, events happen that bring people down. Life can be unfair and unjust; even some of the best people in the world have some of the worse things happen to them. At the end of the day, life is all about dealing with the ups and downs that come with every moment.

Sometimes it may seem like a break can never be caught. One undesirable event leads to another and the downward spiral continues with no end in sight.

Even when life deals undesired cards, there is always a reason to keep the big picture in mind. Someone who is studying to go to law school may not have an ideal job currently. An individual who wants to be married one day might not have much current success in romantic relationships.

Roadblocks and temporary limitations will be sure to confront anyone with worthwhile long-term goals. Nothing in life will ever be perfect. Keeping the bigger picture in mind allows people to remain grounded and look at life with an objective perspective.

Mental Health Awareness: Seeking Necessary Help

Asking for help or guidance is often difficult for countless people. Someone may feel like they are being a bother or they are strong enough to deal with issues by themselves. However, life may be unforgiving and does not favor those walking alone. Reaching out for help does not deem weakness, but instead shows strength by being vulnerable in a healthy manner.

Pretending to be okay usually makes things worse in the long run.

Help comes in numerous forms. People can help themselves by doing self-evaluation and figuring out what makes them truly happy, satisfied, fulfilled, heard, etc. Also, there are countless forms of therapy available. Traditional therapy, art therapy, and music therapy are just a few of the many different types that may be useful depending on personal preferences.

Help may not always be welcoming or readily available; different situations bring along complexities that need to be dealt with using distinct approaches and tactics.

Looking for help brings complications along. Will people think I’m weak? Will they understand what I’m dealing with? How will people view me after knowing about my current state of mental health? How is this help going to assist me to get better?

These are all valid questions for someone who is considering the benefit of help to deal with mental health issues. The negatives may outweigh the positives for many people thinking about opening up about their outlook on life and overall mental health. However, the right individuals under ideal circumstances will prove to be beneficial for anyone who is conscious about the importance of mental health.

Never Ending Mental Health Awareness

Mental health awareness never fully goes away. Even after someone overcomes obstacles and reaches an ideal mental state, there will be times in the future where things are not always ideal. Nobody can predict how they will feel and view life in five or ten years from now.

Mental Health Awareness

Promoting mental health awareness allows individuals to feel more comfortable talking about mental health in all types of settings. Hyper-productivity is stressed now more than ever, especially in the United States. Mental health awareness stresses the importance of getting rest, help, or sometimes taking a needed break in order to reach a more desirable mental state.

As time goes on, more people will realize how important mental health affects every aspect of life. Younger generations will continue to stress mental health awareness and will reach older generations with their efforts as well.

Mental health will always be a major concern throughout the world; even the most successful people around the world deal with mental health issues on a regular basis. Mental health affects everyone as it does not discriminate based on any internal or external factors.

You Are Not Alone

To anyone who has dealt with or is currently confronting their own mental health issue or illness, you are not alone.

The mind can make someone feel like there is no escape or that nobody cares no matter the circumstances. Mental health is something that is never to be taken lightly; people all around the world are fighting their own battles everyday without telling anyone. Be kind to strangers, you never know what someone is going through.

To anyone struggling with maintaining optimal mental health, do not hesitate to reach out to a certified professional or a supportive family member or friend. If you are not comfortable with speaking with someone, find a nonverbal form of therapy like art, music or even sports to work towards a healthy state of mind. Your story matters and there are people who truly care more than you would ever think.

Time: The Most Valuable Asset in the World

Money, fame, time and attention are always considered to be extremely valuable. People often believe monetary value determines how valuable someone is in this world. However, no materialistic item will ever be more valuable than something we can never get back after it’s gone. The most valuable asset in the world?


Nobody can buy more or get it back after it has passed. Nothing can completely stop it in its tracks. It cannot be returned for equal or lesser value.

Time is Money

There is nothing more valuable in life. Money cannot buy more time, but it can always buy more money. Our ancestors were not pressed about constantly checking the clock or even had a chance to read a clock. They made sure to focus on things they enjoyed and focused on spending their days doing something fulfilling. Now, there are millions of distractions that attempt to draw us away from always being mindful of how we spend our time.

Time isn’t money because of hourly wages, but instead by the fact that it cannot be replicated unlike monetary earnings. There is an unlimited amount of cash- both physically and virtually in the world. Some people and some countries have more or less than others; at the end of the day, authorities can simply print more when necessary. Nothing can ever print more time for us to use and enjoy. Money is infinite while time has finite limits.

There is always time for sunset views


Some people think they can multiply time by multitasking. Although it can be beneficial in some cases, the process of multitasking often comes with inadvertent results. The mind is only capable of performing at its peak when focused on a sole task at hand. Multitasking may lead to quicker results in a shorter period, but the quality of work or performance may suffer.

Time only allows us to do one important thing at once. We cannot sleep while driving or work while resting or even exercise while partying. If someone calls themselves a great multitasker that means they are okay at doing a lot of different things simultaneously. There is a reason time is the most valuable asset in the world- it requires our undivided attention to make the most of it.

No Overtime

Everyone has the same twenty-four hours everyday. No matter how hard we try, we cannot change the scope of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. Father Time prevails victorious over every mortal force. We are not immortal; time is one of the only aspects of the world that proves to be eternal. Humans have to make the most of their life on Earth and never take a passing moment for granted. Nothing can slow down or completely stop the future from becoming the present.

Although time cannot be warped, humans can use different tactics to alter the perception of time. Doing something exciting and enjoyable seems to speed up time while partaking in a boring or monotonous activity appears to slow it down. The ultimate goal is to find the balance between “speeding up” or “slowing down”; it is essential to always be aware of how we are using our days.

There is no such thing as overtime. Money and fame come and go but time proves to be more valuable than any materialistic item or monetary value. Human life is priceless due to the fact that it contains memories and experiences that money cannot buy on its own. Humans must understand how powerful the illusion of time truly is. Anyone can use this asset to their advantage once they first grasp its full potential and power.

Take time to appreciate nature

Overthinking at Its Finest

As an introvert, it is completely normal to have countless thoughts that are never expressed outwardly. Overthinking is normalized in a fast paced society. Contrary to popular belief, introverts are not always shy (although they can appear to be and even seem disconnected occasionally). The main difference between extroverts and introverts is the energy they seek to surround themselves with. Extroverts usually look for energetic and arousing environments like parties, loud public places, and concerts or festivals. On the other hand, introverts typically are more comfortable with less external energy and arousal. These can include small gathering of close friends, reading a book in a comfortable spot, or spending time by themselves doing whatever brings them fulfillment at the time being.

Extroverts usually express a larger majority of their thoughts than their mislabeled counterparts. Being an introvert does not always mean someone is disengaged or withdrawn. Introverts spend more time thinking and keeping those thoughts to themselves, which can lead to an overthinking fiasco. Once someone goes down a rabbit hole of overwhelming themselves, they are often the only ones who can get them out of the self-made ditch.

Overwhelmed yet Calm

When someone overthinks, they do not always show telling signs of doing so. They may look slightly irritated or annoyed but not overly anxious or panicky. Thinking is most beneficial when a happy medium is reached. Too little does not lead to enough meaningful interactions and ideas; too much leads to anxious feelings and overall downward spiraling thought processes.

Composure is keeping one’s calm and even-keeled appearance even when they might be falling apart on the inside. Introverts do a better job of hiding and/or masking their emotions than extroverts. They think it is necessary to appear calm 24/7. However, it is okay to be overwhelmed as it is a natural feeling that can be caused by countless factors.

In Your Head

Overthinking typically occurs when someone spends more time in their head than the present moment. Time is extremely valuable no matter how we choose to spend it. Once it is gone, it cannot be replenished like other intangible aspects of life like health, money, and pleasure. People seek to gain and gain endlessly but rarely stop to realize this attitude may lead to adverse situations in the long run. In your head means overthinking to a degree without being physically, emotionally, or mentally present.

Nature- one of many cures for overthinking

It is easier for introverts to get in their heads. They tend to express themselves in different ways than extroverts. Between the two, thought processes often separate the groups in a drastic way. On one hand, extroverts think more outwardly and express themselves more openly. In contrary, introverts typically think inwardly and “get in their own head.” Nobody can help someone get out of their own head except the person who did so in the first place. Thoughts can become sticky and overwhelming, but can be avoided using various healthy thought processes and approaches.

Kill Overthinking

The root of all overthinking lies in one’s internal world. Nothing in the external world can directly lead someone to start thinking in a downward spiral. Destructive thought processes come up; they are not permanent, which can be extremely difficult in the midst of a personal dilemma. Objectivity is not always easy to achieve.

An effective way to curb overthinking to distract oneself with a healthy outlet. Reading, working out, playing sports, talking to a friend (about positive topics), and spending time in nature are all viable options to get the mind out of an undesirable thought process. Although it may not completely eliminate overthinking, distraction works well in tandem with other techniques to cease overanalyzing certain situations.

Another method effective against overthinking is allowing the mind to rest. A healthy mind is constantly racing all day about anything and everything; thousands of thoughts come and go everyday. Sometimes the mind needs a break, just like the rest of the human body. Rest looks different for everyone. Too much and too little are both detrimental. It is essential to listen to the body and mind together; both show signs of health and the times in need of rest.

Thinking leads to endless possibilities. Even a healthy mind is not perfect; overthinking is natural especially for introverts. People should act like they are human instead of trying to be a perfectionist.

The Craze of College Athletics

Sports are one of the largest sectors of entertainment in the United States. From youth to professional levels, very few people can avoid witnessing some aspect of sports in their immediate environment. Sports-related advertisements are found everywhere- from grocery stores to drug stores to restaurants. While pro sports rake in the most money for cities and the country as a whole, college athletics breed a different type of following.

College sports create an unmatchable atmosphere in countless arenas and stadiums across the country. Different regions boast distinct features and aspects for conferences and teams. Fans remain loyal to colleges and universities for various reasons. Almost every college sports enthusiast can attest to how special college athletics truly are.

College Athletics Allegiances

Whether someone roots for their alma mater, cheers for their local team, or becomes a fan for any other reason, the loyalty in college athletics typically runs deeper than virtually any other level of competitive sports. Professional sports are conducted like businesses. Anything below college athletics does not have enough skill to keep a lasting interest for people not directly related or closely tied to players.

NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) major sports have just the right combination of skill and heart that make the world of college athletics unique. Fans everywhere stick with their teams through the thick and thin which makes winning and championships mean so much more in the collegiate level.

Fans everywhere rep their favorite teams no matter where in the country or even world they might find themselves. Most mid to large sized colleges and universities have an alumni network than expands outside of the campus and the surrounding area. College sports fans typically don’t find themselves as a lone supporter and can usually find other fans not too far away.

Heated and Historical Rivalries

In the twentieth century, most current professional sports teams were founded. However, a few were created in the mid to late nineteenth century. Many colleges and universities across the country were founded in the 1700s and 1800s with some of the oldest dating back to the seventeenth century. Obviously sports were not a main concern at the immediate existence of these higher educational institutions. However, many schools picked up on sports like football and baseball for students to enjoy and provide entertainment to countless spectators. Some of the oldest rivalries in the nation are between colleges and universities that have been around far longer than any most professional sports organization.

According to the NCAA, the first ever college football game was played in 1869. Not long after, rivalries started to become a staple in college athletics. Yale and Princeton is the oldest rivalry in college football dating back to 1873 (CITE). My grandfather’s alma mater, Lafayette, holds the seventh oldest rivalry in college football with Lehigh which started in 1884. Rivalries are intense because many of them date back to before most fans today were even born. The roots especially in college football run deep and provide historical backing for why so many schools and fans look forward to rivalry week every season.

For the Love of the Game

Amateur sports draw in fans for numerous reasons. One is that players typically play with more heart and for the love of the game. They don’t have to constantly think about performing for a check or always worrying about their public image. Collegiate sports typically breed a greater love for the game without the constant pressure of performing for monetary value (although college sports are trending more towards professionalism as NIL deals increase). Fans all around the country have a harder time relating to a professional athlete who is constantly in the public eye and does not appear to be as relatable as a college athlete.

Another is the fact that college athletics provide a unique environment that allows fans to feel “closer” to players. Many alumni can relate to being a student at a particular school and some can even recount their days of being a student athlete. Professional players are often seen as celebrities while college players are viewed as college kids who excel at their respected sport. Almost everyone can understand a college kid better than a celebrity who might seem out of touch with the public.

Pitt basketball

College athletics is the last level of sports that shows pure love for the game. When athletes are making tens of millions of dollars, it is easy for fans to question players’ motives. The love either stems from checks that come from the game or the game itself. Many people cannot relate to a professional athlete who might appear to be playingas if they are part of a business rather than a team player. Egos are constantly an issue in pro sports. College student athletes generally appear to be humble and therefore more relatable .

The Future of College Athletics

The future of college athletics is already experiencing a major shift. Scholarships and guaranteed playing time are no longer enough to gain the top recruits in the country. NIL deals draw in athletes who are looking to capitalize off of their image. College sports are becoming more business like, and more similar to professional sports.

Pitt Basketball college athletics

The scope of college athletics is changing drastically. Amateur sports now refer to levels below college athletics. NIL deals bring a complicated dimension to countless NCAA programs across the country. Money hungry programs will unanimously overpower opponents; ultimately, a more efficient system of checks and balances is essential.

Ultimately, college athletics are essentially becoming pay to play. Major market teams will dominate their respected conferences for years to come. Mid to smaller market schools will parallel similar markets in professional leagues with limited payrolls. Hopefully, there is a change to keep college sports from evolving completely into more professional leagues. College athletics need the pure love for the game to stay for the long run.


NCAA.com, Molly Sequin |. “The 19 Oldest Rivalries in College Football.” NCAA.com, NCAA.com, 22 Nov. 2022, https://www.ncaa.com/news/football/article/2022-11-22/19-oldest-rivalries-college-football.