As Mental Health Awareness Month comes to a close, it is essential to talk about mental health year round. One month dedicated to mental health is great to spread awareness and encourage countless individuals, but it is nowhere near the amount of time and bandwidth needed to address a pressing issue throughout the world.
Reducing stigmas attached to mental health issues proves to be one of the most valuable steps when confronting the mental health epidemic in the United States. One in five adults in America live with a mental illness (countless more remain undiagnosed). To be strong means to be vulnerable and accepting help/guidance when necessary. Life can be confusing, frustrating, and overall extremely hard.

However, there are reasons to be hopeful as mental health awareness is more widespread than ever.
Never Lose Sight of the Big Picture
In life, events happen that bring people down. Life can be unfair and unjust; even some of the best people in the world have some of the worse things happen to them. At the end of the day, life is all about dealing with the ups and downs that come with every moment.
Sometimes it may seem like a break can never be caught. One undesirable event leads to another and the downward spiral continues with no end in sight.
Even when life deals undesired cards, there is always a reason to keep the big picture in mind. Someone who is studying to go to law school may not have an ideal job currently. An individual who wants to be married one day might not have much current success in romantic relationships.
Roadblocks and temporary limitations will be sure to confront anyone with worthwhile long-term goals. Nothing in life will ever be perfect. Keeping the bigger picture in mind allows people to remain grounded and look at life with an objective perspective.
Mental Health Awareness: Seeking Necessary Help
Asking for help or guidance is often difficult for countless people. Someone may feel like they are being a bother or they are strong enough to deal with issues by themselves. However, life may be unforgiving and does not favor those walking alone. Reaching out for help does not deem weakness, but instead shows strength by being vulnerable in a healthy manner.
Pretending to be okay usually makes things worse in the long run.
Help comes in numerous forms. People can help themselves by doing self-evaluation and figuring out what makes them truly happy, satisfied, fulfilled, heard, etc. Also, there are countless forms of therapy available. Traditional therapy, art therapy, and music therapy are just a few of the many different types that may be useful depending on personal preferences.
Help may not always be welcoming or readily available; different situations bring along complexities that need to be dealt with using distinct approaches and tactics.
Looking for help brings complications along. Will people think I’m weak? Will they understand what I’m dealing with? How will people view me after knowing about my current state of mental health? How is this help going to assist me to get better?
These are all valid questions for someone who is considering the benefit of help to deal with mental health issues. The negatives may outweigh the positives for many people thinking about opening up about their outlook on life and overall mental health. However, the right individuals under ideal circumstances will prove to be beneficial for anyone who is conscious about the importance of mental health.
Never Ending Mental Health Awareness
Mental health awareness never fully goes away. Even after someone overcomes obstacles and reaches an ideal mental state, there will be times in the future where things are not always ideal. Nobody can predict how they will feel and view life in five or ten years from now.

Promoting mental health awareness allows individuals to feel more comfortable talking about mental health in all types of settings. Hyper-productivity is stressed now more than ever, especially in the United States. Mental health awareness stresses the importance of getting rest, help, or sometimes taking a needed break in order to reach a more desirable mental state.
As time goes on, more people will realize how important mental health affects every aspect of life. Younger generations will continue to stress mental health awareness and will reach older generations with their efforts as well.
Mental health will always be a major concern throughout the world; even the most successful people around the world deal with mental health issues on a regular basis. Mental health affects everyone as it does not discriminate based on any internal or external factors.
You Are Not Alone
To anyone who has dealt with or is currently confronting their own mental health issue or illness, you are not alone.
The mind can make someone feel like there is no escape or that nobody cares no matter the circumstances. Mental health is something that is never to be taken lightly; people all around the world are fighting their own battles everyday without telling anyone. Be kind to strangers, you never know what someone is going through.
To anyone struggling with maintaining optimal mental health, do not hesitate to reach out to a certified professional or a supportive family member or friend. If you are not comfortable with speaking with someone, find a nonverbal form of therapy like art, music or even sports to work towards a healthy state of mind. Your story matters and there are people who truly care more than you would ever think.